
Non-Templatized Dynamic Client Registration

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Non-Templatized Dynamic Client Registration

This tutorial shows step by step how to enable Dynamic Client Registration with Non-Templatized clients in Curity. It is recommended to get an understanding on how DCR works by reading Dynamic Client Registration Explained and Using Dynamic Client Registration.


This tutorial builds on the configuration setup described in the steps First Configuration and Configure an Authenticator under the menu Getting Started. If you have not gone through those steps yet, you can visit the guides by clicking on the links.

You may run this tutorial on a custom setup also, but keep in mind that names and URLs may be different, as well as the capabilities configured in the profiles.

We will also need the client credentials client from the Client Credentials Tutorial


Non templatized DCR allows the registrating client to define all parameters of the new client. In contrast to Templatized DCR where the client instantiates a clone of a pre-defined template in Curity.

In order to be able to register a new client we need an Initial Access Token. This is a token obtained by requesting the scope dcr. Clients configured for dynamic client registration can obtain this scope.

This tutorial will use the Client Credentials flow to obtain the Initial Access Token. It is also possible to use a user interactive flow, where the user needs to be authenticated in order to register a new client. It is also possible to register clients without any form of authentication. This is not covered in this tutorial.

Setup in Curity

Visit the Profiles screen and click the Token Service.

Enable Non Templatized DCR

In the menu on the left side, go to Dynamic Registration

Toggle on Enable DCR

Toggle on Non Templatized

Select the token-datasource or default-datasource as the Client Data Source depending on what was setup in the initial wizard.

If Templatized is enabled it's ok to leave that on, both methods can be used at the same time.

Enable DCR

Registration Authentication

How should we authenticate to get an initial access token for registration. Choose authenticate-client-by and to the right select the server client.

Registration Authentication

Set Allowed Capabilities

What types of clients should we be able to register. Select the code capability for this example.


Select Allowed Scopes

Select the scopes the client should be allowed to register for. This can either be all or selected. Go ahead and use selected and add the scope openid

Select Scopes

User Authentication

Select the allowed authenticators that these clients can use. Either all or selected. The client can restrict this further when registering, but if nothing is done, the user is presented with a choice of authenticators when logging in.

Select all.

User Authentication


Make sure to remember to commit the changes in the Changes -> Commit menu.

Registering a new Client

Now that we have the configured the setup we can register a new client.

Before we do that, we must obtain an initial access token. To do that we will use the server client like before. The only scope we will request now is dcr. This scope is not visible in the configuration, but is added to that client when we selected it to be used for registration of the template.

Obtain initial access token

composer create-project symfony/skeleton secured-app

This will result in a response like this:

"access_token": "87f72f27-67a5-4bdd-b878-615b958c50b0",
"scope": "dcr",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 300

One time token

The Initial Access Token with the dcr scope can only be used once, if your request fails for some reason you need to request a new access token before trying again.

Register a Client

Now we can use the token from the previous request to register a new client.

We need to provide some parameters to toggle the new client to be a code flow client. Since code flow is the default if no grant_types are sent, it's enough to specify the additions to that.

  • redirect_uri: where the callback of the client is
  • scope: what scopes the client should be able to request
curl -X POST \
https://localhost:8443/oauth/v2/oauth-dynamic-client-registration \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 87f72f27-67a5-4bdd-b878-615b958c50b0' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"redirect_uris": ["https://localhost/callback"],
"scope" : "openid"

The response will be a json document with the following content:

"grant_types": [
"subject_type": "public",
"default_acr_values": [
"redirect_uris": [
"client_id": "9806e2ff-60e6-4e83-96c6-4c4814b244c3",
"token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
"client_secret_expires_at": 0,
"scope": "openid",
"client_id_issued_at": 1560330939,
"client_secret": "rUgOmkacJZDvkAB00XO9G07UsszntRt5YipAU4QTn_E",
"id_token_signed_response_alg": "RS256",
"response_types": [
"refresh_token_ttl": 3600

This is all the necessary metadata the client need in order to start making requests.

The important fields are the client_id and client_secret.

Run the code flow with the new client

If you need a refresh of the code flow see the Code Flow Overview or the Code Flow Tutorial.

Call the authorize endpoint. Open a browser and enter the following URL:


With the resulting code call the token endpoint:

curl -X POST \
https://localhost:8443/oauth/v2/oauth-token \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=9806e2ff-60e6-4e83-96c6-4c4814b244c3&client_secret=rUgOmkacJZDvkAB00XO9G07UsszntRt5YipAU4QTn_E&code=gPsQ97Al9K5vsVdlc7JRK2DbbwDKVNR2&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fcallback'


Using non-templatized clients gives you more fine grained control of what to register. However it also means the application developer needs to know more details when starting.


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