
Integrating With Norwegian BankID Using OIDC Authenticator

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BankID (Norwegian) supports integration using OpenID Connect (OIDC) and this is very straightforward to configure in the Curity Identity Server using the OIDC Authenticator. This article describes the simple steps to configure this integration.


Configuring the OIDC Authenticator

To configure the OIDC Authenticator in the Curity Identity Server, make sure to provide at least:

  • Configuration URL
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
OIDC Authenticator

Configuration URL

The Configuration URL is environment dependent. The URL for the publicly available test environment is https://auth.current.bankid.no/auth/realms/current/.well-known/openid-configuration.

Details on provisioning production environments can be found in the BankID documentation.

Authentication Flow

An 11 digit National ID number is needed to initiate the authentication flow. A National ID number for test purposes can be generated through the BankID pre-prod web site.

After choosing the BankID App in the authentication flow the user will get a push notification to the BankID app that needs to be approved. After successful approval the user is prompted to enter the BankID password (qwer1234 for test users). This concludes the authentication flow after which the user is authenticated and the Curity Identity Server will issue appropriate access tokens.

BankID ID number

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