Curity OAuth customization using plugins

OAuth Customization using Plugins

On this page

In an OAuth architecture, your applications interact with endpoints of your authorization server using HTTPS requests. You should never need to build the code for the authorization server or be an expert in its underlying technology. OAuth is a framework though, and at times you need to take closer control over behavior in certain areas. Extensibility is needed to implement some security solutions.

Look and FeelControl over the login branding, styling and layout
AuthenticationCustomizing or refining user authentication
ActionsUsing and linking user attributes during or after authentication
User DataStoring custom user attributes in the authorization server
Data SourcesInteracting with custom data sources and credential stores
Token IssuingBehaviors like issuing custom claims and exchanging tokens
Security EventsSubscribing to security alerts from the authorization server

The cleanest way to manage this type of concern is to use the authorization server's extensibility features, rather than coding complex workarounds at the application level.

Managing Extensibility

There are three main levels for customizing the Curity Identity Server, from enhancing the look and feel, to writing scripts, to using the plugin SDK.

Look and Feel

It is common to want to customize the Look and Feel of login screens presented to your users. In the Curity Identity Server this can be done in a basic way using the Admin UI, or more detailed HTML customizations can be made via the UI Builder. Most commonly this only requires CSS-related changes.


Later on, to control authentication and token issuing, Scripting is used. This requires code, but you only write simple JavaScript procedures. The scripted logic can also interact with infrastructure, such as sending custom HTTP requests or connecting to data sources.


Scripting has some limitations though, especially for more complex tasks. When you want to take closer control over behavior, such as building a completely custom authentication method, the Plugin SDK is the preferred option. This requires you to write Java or Kotlin code, using SDK objects and interfaces.

Development Setup

Many developers are not Java coders, and instead build their user facing apps and APIs in other technology stacks, such as Node.js, Python or C#. There may be concerns about how to manage setup and deployment aspects, so this tutorial shows how to quickly overcome these challenges, and provides some useful links.

Plugin Learning Resources

When getting started with plugins, first watch these two introductory videos, then browse the developer documentation:

Install Prerequisites

Next ensure that these tools are installed:

The Curity Identity Server stays current with the latest long term support (LTS) version of Java so that developers can write plugins with productive modern code. See the Java Version Details for further information.

Implement a Plugin

The following sections summarize how to generate a new plugin, then deploy and test it. This provides a development setup so that the only thing left to do is write the Java or Kotlin code, which any skilled developer will soon learn.

Generate the Project

A common type of plugin is a new authenticator, since various third parties offer an authentication API that is vendor specific. To get started building an authenticator plugin, run the following command, which uses Maven Archetypes to create Java project files for a custom authenticator:

mvn -B archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=identityserver.plugins.archetypes.authenticator \
-DarchetypeGroupId=io.curity \
-DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0 \
-DartifactId=example-authenticator \
-DgroupId=com.example.plugins.exampleauthenticator \
-DpluginName=Example \

If you prefer to code in Kotlin, run the following command instead:

mvn -B archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=identityserver.plugins.archetypes.kotlin-authenticator \
-DarchetypeGroupId=io.curity \
-DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0 \
-DartifactId=example-authenticator \
-DgroupId=com.example.plugins.exampleauthenticator \
-DpluginName=Example \

Get Started Coding

If you open the generated folder in an IDE, you will see these source files:

├── authentication
│ └── ExampleAuthentiRequestHandler
│ └── RequestModel
├── config
│ │ └── ExampleAuthenticatorPluginConfig
├── descriptor
│ │ └── ExampleAuthenticatorPluginDescriptor

The archetypes provide a skeleton implementation where a request handler is injected with its configuration and a request model represents the data in HTTP requests:

class ExampleAuthenticatorRequestHandler(config: ExampleAuthenticatorPluginConfig)
: AuthenticatorRequestHandler<RequestModel>
override fun preProcess(request: Request, response: Response): RequestModel = RequestModel(request)
override fun get(requestModel: RequestModel, response: Response): Optional<AuthenticationResult>
TODO("not implemented")
override fun post(requestModel: RequestModel, response: Response): Optional<AuthenticationResult>
TODO("not implemented")

You then need to implement the plugin's code. In some cases this simply requires you to write a method or two. In others you need to use multiple techniques, as summarized later in this tutorial.

Add Library Dependencies

For many plugins you may need to use additional Java libraries. Your plugin can automatically reference Server Provided Dependencies but you must deploy any other dependencies that your plugin uses. The following example shows how you might include an extra JSON serialization library in the generated pom.xml file:


Build the Plugin

In order to compile code to JAR files and also deal with third-party dependencies, you will need to add some plugins to the build setup. If you are using third party libraries, include the maven dependency plugin:


You can then run the following command line to build a JAR file containing the plugin's compiled code and resources:

mvn package

This results in files such as these being built to a target folder:


Deploy the Plugin

You must then deploy the JAR files with instances of the Curity Identity Server, to a subfolder of usr/share/plugins. The following docker compose example shows the paths you can use to deploy the JAR files under the plugins root folder:

- 6749:6749
- 8443:8443
- ./example-authenticator-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/idsvr/usr/share/plugins/example-authenticator/example-authenticator-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- ./gson-2.11.0.jar:/opt/idsvr/usr/share/plugins/example-authenticator/gson-2.11.0.jar

Create a Plugin Instance

Once the Curity Identity Server and plugin are deployed, you can create one or more instances of the plugin using the Admin UI, and enter its required configuration values. An example is shown here for a custom authenticator plugin that uses account manager and credential manager system objects:

Plugin Settings

Test the Plugin

To test a plugin you run an OAuth flow and the plugin executes during particular actions, such as when a user authenticates or registers. Your development setup should enable you to make code changes and quickly redeploy the plugin so that you receive fast feedback.

Debug the Plugin

It is also possible to debug your plugin's code, while it is running in a Docker deployed instance of the Curity Identity Server. The Attach a Debugger tutorial explains how you can do this.

Plugin Coding

To implement the code for a particular type of plugin, you can use the following instructions to find further information and understand the design patterns.

Search Existing Plugins

You can use tags to search the Curity GitHub repositories. In some cases, you might find an existing plugin that meets your requirements. In others, you can study existing plugins to understand the coding techniques. For example, to search for authentication action plugins you can enter the following filter in the Find a repository input control:

topic:plugin topic:authentication-action

When searching, you can choose from the following plugin categories:

Implement Authentication Plugins

Authentication plugins are often the most intricate. When developing an authentication plugin you must provide HTTP endpoints for login forms, then implement frontend and backend logic. Detailed tutorials explain how you can take full control and implement any custom authentication method:

Issue Custom Claims

You can customize claims issued to tokens and integrate with third party systems in advanced ways, by implementing a ClaimsProvider. The Salesforce Claims Provider shows how to make a more complex external connection that requires a JWT credential. This plugin also demonstrates the use of caching and Managed Objects.

Customize User Creation

The following plugins show how to make HTTP requests to external systems. In both cases a remote user is created after authentication, and this responsibility is best implemented as an authentication action.

Kong Dev Portal User ProvisionerUses an HTTP client managed by the Curity Identity Server
Azure API Management User ProvisionerUses an HTTP client from the Azure SDK

Customize Data Sources

The Curity Identity Server can connect to many types of data source and provides interfaces for operating on data. The following examples can be used as a guide when integrating with custom data sources directly.

Custom Credential ValidatorCustom validation of password credentials to support any cryptographic hash algorithm
MongoDB Data SourceShows how to implement various interfaces to connect to NoSQL data sources

Customize Auditing

Identity audit results can be output to a JDBC data source, though it is also possible to capture events programmatically. The Amazon SQL Event Listener provides an example of receiving audit data, then sending it to a queue. Various subscribers could then use the data.


The plugin SDK for the Curity Identity Server gives you powerful control over core behavior, and you do not need to be a Java expert to use it. A simplified programming model is provided, and this page explained the main steps, with links to further information. Plugins enable you to customize many security-related behaviors during OAuth flows, without adding complexity to your applications.


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