HAAPI Mobile Guides
Step by step guides to secure your mobile apps, then customize the important behaviors.

Android Integration of the HAAPI Mobile UI SDK
Quickly integrate OAuth or OpenID Connect authentication into an Android app

iOS Integration of the HAAPI Mobile UI SDK
Quickly integrate OAuth or OpenID Connect authentication into an iOS app

HAAPI Mobile Username Password Flows
The default look and feel when using the HAAPI UI SDK for password based flows

Customizing the Android HAAPI Mobile Login User Experience
Customize the Android mobile login user experience when using the HAAPI UI SDK

Customizing the iOS HAAPI Mobile Login User Experience
Customize the iOS mobile login user experience when using the HAAPI UI SDK

HAAPI Mobile Advanced Authentication Flows
Advanced native and browser flows when using the HAAPI UI SDK to implement advanced authentication flows

App2App Logins using BankID and the Hypermedia Authentication API
Tutorial demonstrating browserless App2App authentication using the Hypermedia Authentication API

HAAPI Mobile Security Lifecycle
Key points about the end-to-end security lifecycle, when using the HAAPI UI SDK

Implementing HAAPI Attestation Fallback
Using the HAAPI UI SDK with devices that do not support signing key attestation