Authentication Actions
Learn how to use authentication actions to orchestrate the behavior of an authentication flow. They support among others MFA, storing, fetching and dynamically modifying user attributes, linking accounts or prompting users, e.g., to agree on the terms of services, and much more.

Authentication Actions Concepts
The role of authentication actions in the Curity Identity Server

Multi-Factor Authentication Using Actions
Learn to use authentication actions to control multi-factor authentication

Opt-in Multi-Factor Authentication
How to configure Opt-in MFA in the Curity Identity Server

Scripted Attribute Transformation
Use a Script Authentication Action to transform attributes

Authentication Actions Data Example
A data driven example to show how to take full control over authentication logic

Action Bundles
Learn how to use Action Bundles to organize authentication actions

Account Creation after Login
How to automatically create an account when the user first signs in, and bypass registration

Account Linking With Social Identity Providers
How to configure the Curity Identity Server to handle account linking using social Identity Providers such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Migrating to Passkeys
How to enable users to update in an opt-in manner their primary authentication factor to a passwordless solution that uses passkeys.