Advanced Integration
Learn about advanced API Gateway integrations with the Curity Identity Server.

Dynamic User Routing with NGINX
How to implement a dynamic routing plugin for the NGINX reverse proxy

Dynamic User Routing with Kong Open Source
How to implement a dynamic routing plugin for the Kong Open Source API Gateway

Dynamic User Routing with Cloudflare Gateway
Learn how to set up Cloudflare CDN Gateway and the Curity Identity Server to dynamically route users to proper regions in a multi-region scenario.

Dynamic User Routing with Cloud Platforms
How to implement dynamic user routing using cloud provider features

API Authorization using Open Policy Agent and Kong
How can the Curity Identity Server and Open Policy Agent be deployed together with the Kong API gateway to achieve robust API Authentication and Authorization?

Open Banking Brazil DCR Request Validation
Provide an example on how to validate a DCR request in nginx to comply with the Open Banking Brazil Specification