Our code examples help you strengthen API security using common languages or frameworks. For example, learn how to authorize requests based on OAuth tokens such as JWTs.

Securing a Spring Boot API with JWTs
How to secure your Spring boot API with JWT validation

Securing a Java API with JWTs
A sample API that integrates the Curity OAuth Java Servlet Filter to authenticate and authorize requests.

Securing a Kotlin API with JWTs
A simple API to demonstrate how to integrate a security library and manage JWTs

Securing a .NET API with JWTs
How to secure your .NET API with JSON Web Tokens

Securing a Go API With JWTs
How to secure your Go API with JSON Web Tokens

Securing a Node.js Express API with JWTs
A Node.js express library for securing endpoints with JWTs together with an example app.

Securing a Python Flask API with JWTs
A filter that can be used to secure python flask APIs.

Securing a Symfony API with JWTs
How to secure your Symfony API with Json Web Tokens

Securing a Serverless API with JWTs
An example of a Serverless API that validates JWTs on every lambda function call

Securing a Serverless API on Vercel using JWTs
Example of a JWT protected serverless API running on Vercel

Mutual TLS Secured API
How to implement client certificate based security in a B2B API

API Access via JWT Assertions
Designing APIs whose clients must authenticate with strong security via client assertions

Securing API Events using JWTs
Secure and reliable event based messaging with Apache Kafka and the Curity Identity Server

Testing Zero Trust APIs
How to reduce infrastructure when writing integration tests against OAuth secured APIs