Authentication Actions
Find examples of authentication actions plugins, such as debug attribute actions, redirect actions, send email actions, time-based authentication actions and more.

Choose Account Authentication Action
An Authentication Action that allows the user to choose which SSO session they want to log in with.

Debug Attribute Authentication Action
An Authentication Action that can be used to view attributes during Authentication.

Redirect Action Example
An authentication action plugin example, which redirects the user to another page to complete the authentication flow.

Send Email Action Example
An Authenticator Action example which sends email to the user.

Time Based Deny Authentication Action
Two plugins for time based Actions in the Authentication flow.

Kong Dev Portal User Provisioner
An Authentication Action that automates the provisioning of a user to the Kong Dev Portal.

Azure API Management User Provisioner
An Authentication Action that automates the provisioning of a user to the Azure API Management Portal.

Microblink BlinkID Authentication Action
An Authentication Action example which scans a users ID document for identity proofing.

iProov Authentication Action
An Authentication Action example which scans a user’s face for identity proofing.