
AuthZEN Authorization Manager

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The OpenID AuthZEN Working Group is working towards standardizing fine-grained authorization and to simplify integration. Vendors have previously implemented their own protocols for client-to-server communication and especially the format of the request and response. The AuthZEN protocol aims to standardize this across all vendors that support the AuthZEN standard. This means that the same client or Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) can send requests to several different Policy Decision Points (PDP) and interpret the response from the PDP. The PEP is vendor agnostic.


The configuration is trivial and requires only a few parameters.

AuthZEN Authorization Manager Config
HttpClientThe configuration of the HttpClient to use will differ depending on the PDP that the AuthZEN Authorization Manager communicates with.
PDP HostThe hostname of the PDP that supports the AuthZEN standard.
PDP PathThis should be the same for all AuthZEN enabled PDP and can most likely be left as the default /access/v1/evaluation
PDP PortThe port the PDP is exposed on.

The Request

The authorization request sent to the PDP is constructed by the plugin.

"subject": {
"type": "user",
"id": "alice"
"resource": {
"type": "api",
"id": "user-management"
"action": {
"name": "can_read",
"properties": {
"method": "POST"

The id of the user (alice in the above example) is the subject of the token in the request that is invoking the authorization manager.

The resource type is always api. The id is set to the API type that the current request calls. In the example above the user management GraphQL API is called.

The Response

In the current version of AuthZEN (1.0) there is only a boolean answer for the authorization decision. This makes the response very simple, its either true or false. In the future, AuthZEN plans to augment this with for example obligations. This would require an update to this implementation but would allow for data filtration of the response.



There are many ways to handle fine-grained authorization. The Curity Identity Server ships with several Authorization Managers out-of-the-box and there are more available as plugins on GitHub.

The AuthZEN Authorization Manager implements the protocol defined by the OpenID AuthZEN Working Group. By implementing the protocol, the authorization manager supports several authorization servers/vendors without the need for vendor specific implementations.



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