On this page
The OAuth Assistant is a JavaScript library provided by Curity to help you integrate with OAuth and OpenID Connect. This tutorial uses a test app that is open source and available in the repository called oauth-assistant-example on GitHub. If you want to have a deeper look into the library, please check out the OAuth Assistant tutorial.
Configuring the Curity Identity Server
The OAuth Assistant uses the OpenID Connect metadata to automatically set up endpoints, keys etc. In order for the metadata to be correctly generated, the Base URL needs to be set. This is the external URL that the runtime responds to. Navigate to System in the Admin UI. This tutorial assumes that the Curity Identity Server runs locally, thus enter https://localhost:8443
Get Started With OAuth Assistant
Install the example application and its dependencies using the following steps:
git clone git@github.com:curityio/oauth-assistant-example.gitcd oauth-assistant-examplenpm install
Update the configuration to match the setup of the Curity Identity Server. Open index.js
in a text editor and scroll down to the defaultAuthorizeSettings
to update two attributes. First, change the client_id
to the pre-configured client — www
. After that, update the issuer
, uncomment the line with issuer : "https://localhost:8443/oauth/v2/oauth-anonymous"
. This matches the setup of this tutorial, since it uses the default endpoints and the server is running on localhost. Make sure to comment out/remove any other issuer
Find the issuer URL
The issuer URL can be found in the Admin UI by navigating to ** OAuth & OpenID Connect ** → General.
After the edits, the defaultAuthorizeSettings
should look something like this:
const defaultAuthorizeSettings = {base_url : "https://localhost:8443",client_id : "www",issuer : "https://localhost:8443/oauth/v2/oauth-anonymous",redirect_uri : window.origin + "/assisted.html",for_origin : window.origin,flow_type : "code",iframe : {targetElement: 'body',width : null, // take default valueheight : null, // take default valuebackdrop : {visible : true, // default is truestyle : null, // take default valuebackdropClass: "backdrop-class"}},allowed_origins: ["https://localhost:8443", "http://localhost:8080"], // default is [window.origin]check_session_iframe : null,session_polling_interval: 5, // polling interval in seconds, default is 5allowed_jwt_algorithms : ['RS256'],jwt_sig_public_key : { // allowed formats are jwk | jwks_uri | pem | issuer | metadata_url | rawformat: 'issuer', // in case of issuer, the issuer value will be taken from jwt payloadvalue : null},debug : false,//check_session_iframe_events: checkSessionIframeEvents};
Run OAuth Assistant
Save the file, and start the example app by running:
npm start
This should start a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080
Once here you can try out various parts of your configuration. The first step would be to authenticate. To do that click on Login with Redirect
If an account is available, use it to log in. If this is the first time running, chances are that no account exists. In this case, create a new account.
The username/password authenticator can handle registration.

Click the Create account link. Fill out the information for the new account. Username, email and password are mandatory fields. Submit the form and finish account creation by clicking the Create account button under the form.
After successful account creation you have the option to Return to login.
Self-signed certificate
If nothing happens when you click on the Login with Redirect it might be that your browser doesn't allow the example app to download the configuration in the background until you have allowed the self-signed certificate. You can do that by opening a new tab, navigating to the issuer
URL and then reloading the app.
When you are authenticated you can see your access and ID token. You can test SSO by just trying to log in again. To try out other flows and features you might have to adapt the configuration in the Curity Identity Server before being able to experiment with the example app.
Next Steps
This concludes the basic "Getting started" track. Head over to the summary article that also covers further suggested reading on additional advanced configuration and integration options.
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