
Install using Docker

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This tutorial shows how to use the official Docker image of the Curity Identity Server to run the server locally, using Docker.

Curity Identity Server Docker Images

Refer to the Curity Identity Server Docker Images page for supported images and tags.

Pull the image

To pull the latest image from the Azure Container Registry use the following command:

docker pull curity.azurecr.io/curity/idsvr

Run the container

  • Set the admin user password in an environment variable and start the server.
  • The port 6749 is the default port for the admin UI. Expose it in the docker run command to access it.
  • The port 8443 is also exposed in this example to prepare for the First Configuration.
docker run -it -e PASSWORD=<ADMIN_PASSWORD> -p 6749:6749 -p 8443:8443 curity.azurecr.io/curity/idsvr

You can also run in detached mode by passing -d in the docker run command.

The unattended installer will run in the container when it is starting for the first time, only if a $PASSWORD is set.

Once the server is up, you can access the Admin UI by visiting https://localhost:6749/admin.

Next Steps

Now the Curity Identity Server is up and running but without any configuration. The next step is to set up the basic profiles and services. Move on to the First Configuration Tutorial.

A more advanced example

Refer to the docker-compose tutorial if you need a more advanced tutorial using Docker to set up a whole cluster.

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