Our articles offer insights on a range of topics such as identity and access management, Financial-grade and API security.
SSO for Mobile with OpenID Connect
An overview of use cases for mobile Single Sign-on using OpenID Connect.
SSO for Web with OpenID Connect
Explore use cases for web Single Sign-On, the benefits of using SSO for web, cookie security and how to maximize user experience using iFrames.
Single Sign-On Introduction
A brief introduction to Single Sign-On. Read about the benefits of SSO and how it can be used with OpenID Connect to authenticate users.
API Security Best Practices
Security tips to consider when designing and creating APIs.
What's Customer Identity and Access Management, and Why Does it Matter
Understand the main principles and benefits of customer identity and access management, and find out how it can be used by different industries.
How Customer Identity Access Management Protects Data
Understand how organizations can leverage CIAM systems to better protect their user's data.
Passkeys - Design your Solution
Passkeys technology support and design recommendations
What are Passkeys?
Passkeys offer a passwordless and convenient way to sign in to online accounts and services. They improve both security and user-experience of logins.
Claims Best Practices
Best practices for implementing claims. Learn how to issue custom claims step by step.
Scope Best Practices
Best practices for designing OAuth scopes in real world systems and managing them at scale. Discover how to perform API Authorization using Scopes.
Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)
Selective disclosure is the ability to select which data within a signed document to disclose to a counterpart compared to sharing all data at once. This article describes SD-JWT, a format that allows for selectively disclosing parts of a signed JWT.
OpenID Connect Overview
OpenID Connect explained: what it is and what benefits does it offer. How does it compare with OAuth2 and SAML?
Device Flow vs CIBA | Which Flow Should You Choose?
Which Flow Should You Choose, the OAuth Device Authorization Grant or OpenID Client Initiated Back-Channel Authentication?
Token Handler Design Overview
A design overview of the key behavior when using the token handler pattern
Demonstrating Proof of Possession Overview
What is Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP), and how can it be used to improve the security of public clients.
JWT Security Best Practices
Best practices for using JTWs in applications. Learn about JWTs as access tokens, which algorithms to use, when to validate the token and other useful tips.
Token Handler Deployment Patterns
Design patterns for deploying an API-driven backend for front-end Single Page Applications
Token Sharing Approaches
Learn about the different ways in which access tokens can be shared.
OAuth Client Credentials Flow
The OAuth Client Credentials Flow Explained.
OAuth Implicit Flow | Curity
The OAuth Implicit flow explained.
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