API Security

API Security

Discover different aspects of API Security and learn best practice approaches.

API security encompasses the practices, processes, and products used to ensure APIs are secure, data can be transferred safely, and malicious attacks are prevented. APIs power the connectivity of the digital world. They offer faster integrations and increased freedom of choice when it comes to products. Keeping APIs, and the data provided through them, safe and only available to the intended user is a must. In this section we have gathered information covering the most important aspects of securing APIs and microservices.

Zero Trust API Events

Zero Trust API Events

Flowing user identity in event messages, to enable verification and auditing when asynchronous processes resume

JWT Signatures and EdDSA

JWT Signatures and EdDSA

This article explains how signatures work in JWTs in general and provides a detailed example based on the EdDSA algorithm

Impersonation Approaches

Impersonation Approaches

How to handle impersonation and delegation with OAuth and OpenID Connect to enable a subject to act as a different subject.

Self-contained JWTs

Self-contained JWTs

Design patterns to allow JWTs to be validated using extended header fields and Public Key Infrastructure.

Token Sharing Approaches

Token Sharing Approaches

Learn about the different ways in which access tokens can be shared.

The Phantom Token Approach

The Phantom Token Approach

Adopt the Phantom Token Approach:a privacy-preserving token usage pattern for securing APIs and microservices.

The Split Token Approach

The Split Token Approach

The Split Token Approach, applicable for any OAuth 2.0 ecosystem, aims to improve your tokens' security.

Implementing Zero Trust APIs

Implementing Zero Trust APIs

A summary of the main best practices when implementing a zero trust architecture to secure APIs, using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

API Security Best Practices

API Security Best Practices

Security tips to consider when designing and creating APIs.

Concepts for Serving Identities in a Kubernetes Environment

Concepts for Serving Identities in a Kubernetes Environment

This article describes some architectural concepts for providing identity data to APIs and applications in a Kubernetes environment.

JWT Security Best Practices

JWT Security Best Practices

Best practices for using JTWs in applications. Learn about JWTs as access tokens, which algorithms to use, when to validate the token and other useful tips.

Top 10 API Security Vulnerabilities According to OWASP

Top 10 API Security Vulnerabilities According to OWASP

A write-up of the top API security vulnerabilities according to OWASP and mitigating approaches.

The API Security Maturity Model

The API Security Maturity Model

There is a spectrum of API security implementations, and not all of them are equal. The model describes API security in ever-increasing levels of trust, complexity, and efficiency.


OAuth Well Played – Mods and Combos for the Cloud Native API Security Game
The Swedish Chef Would Be Proud: Cooking up a Secure API in Minutes – Instructions Included
Panel Discussion: API Authorization
How to Build a Fortress with the Security of a Tent
Addressing Top API Security Risks
Decentralized Identities Changes Everything, Even Your APIs
Military-Grade Security for APIs
Using Curity, OPA and Kong for end-to-end API authentication and authorization
Implementing Claims Best Practices
Browser-less mobile login using the authentication API
Jacob Has a Horse, Says Travis – a Tale of Truths In a Microservice Architecture
Scalable API Security Using OAuth
Financial Grade APIs Using OAuth and OpenID Connect
Security Is a Concern, Let’s Make It an Enabler
Securing APIs in a Cloud Native Environment Using OAuth
Securing APIs and Microservices with OAuth and OpenID Connect
OAuth and OpenID Connect for PSD2 and Third-Party Access