New Release: Curity Identity Server 8.1

New Release: Curity Identity Server 8.1

We are pleased to announce the release of the Curity Identity Server 8.1.

This minor release contains a great number of fixes and small enhancements aimed to improve the product in all areas.

Here are some of the highlights:

Template Areas on Authentication Actions

The new release introduces a new function to set a template area on an authentication action. This means that not only authenticators but actions too can now be configured to show a custom theme for its context only.

Android UI SDK Updates

The Android UI SDK that was released in 8.0 has received many updates and has been fine tuned even further to provide a great user experience out of the box.

Opt-in MFA Attributes in GraphQL and the DevOps Dashboard

The Opt-in MFA action uses the account to store details about the factors the user has added. These details are now exposed on the GraphQL endpoint in the user management profile as well as in the DevOps Dashboard. This enables administrators to see and update these settings on the account.

Read the release notes for more details.

Next steps

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