The failed-communication alarm is raised when a component in the Curity Identity Server fails to communicate with a remote host over an established connection. This could be against a data source such as MySQL or LDAP, or an HTTP Service such as BankID or Duo. Compared to the Failed Connection Alarm, this alarm is raised when the component successfully did connect to the remote host, but the remote host responded with an invalid or unexpected message.
The reason for the alarm is that the remote host responded with unexpected data or with an unexpected status.
The severity is at least minor since parts of the system are already affected.
Immediate action is required. The remote resource cannot be accessed. Immediate action is required if the state of the alarm is raised.
Fig. 16 Invalid response from the remote host
This alarm can be raised by two types of components in the Curity Identity Server.
Data Sources
Data Sources will report failed communication if an operation against the data source fails unexpectedly.
HTTP Clients
HTTP clients will raise the alarm if the remote host responds with a 500 or higher response code. It is also possible to configure the HTTP client to raise failed communication for 4xx errors (excluding 401) but this is disabled by default.
When an operation against the remote resource over an established connection fails unexpectedly.
The alarm is cleared when the remote host responds with an expected non-error response.
The failed communication alarm employs a sliding window which can be configured per HTTP Client and Data Source.
It is possible to disable the failed communication alarm for HTTP clients. This can be necessary for back ends that are prone to instability with short outages.
To disable the failed communication alarm using the CLI, do:
configure set facilities http client YOUR_HTTP_CLIENT_ID client-alarms enable-failed-communication-alarm false commit
To enabled the failed communication alarm for 400,402-499 error codes using the CLI, do:
configure set facilities http client YOUR_HTTP_CLIENT_ID client-alarms enable-failed-communication-alarm true set facilities http client YOUR_HTTP_CLIENT_ID client-alarms raise-failed-communication-alarms-http-client-errors true commit
To set the size of the sliding window and the number of faults required to raise the alarm using the CLI, do:
configure set facilities http client YOUR_HTTP_CLIENT_ID client-alarms failed-communication-alarm sliding-window sliding-window-size 20 set facilities http client YOUR_HTTP_CLIENT_ID client-alarms failed-communication-alarm sliding-window faults-to-raise-alarm 100 commit
configure set facilities data-sources data-source YOUR_DATA_SOURCE_ID data-source-alarms failed-communication-alarm sliding-window sliding-window-size 20 set facilities data-sources data-source YOUR_DATA_SOURCE_ID data-source-alarms failed-communication-alarm sliding-window faults-to-raise-alarm 100 commit