GraphQL is a graph based JSON API over HTTP. It exposes a strongly typed schema with query and mutation operations. In User Management, the graph is based on the account, with sub-elements such as linked accounts and devices that belong to that particular account. Moreover, the User Management GraphQL API allows to manage buckets linked to user accounts.
The operations are categorized into two types: query and mutation.
The possible queries for accounts are:
accountByUserName(userName: String!) : Account accountById(accountId: String!) : Account accountByEmail(email: String!) : Account accountByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: String!) : Account accounts( activeAccountsOnly: Boolean = true first: Int after: String sorting: Sorting = {sortOrder: DESCENDING} filtering : Filtering ) : AccountConnection!
If a Credential Manager is configured with a credential policy, the following queries are also available:
credentialPolicyRulesStateByUserName(userName: String!) : CredentialPolicyRulesState
If a bucket datasource is configured in the User Management profile, the following queries are also available:
bucketsByUserName( userName: String! purposes: [String!]! ) : [Bucket!]!
As can be determined from the names, they operate on singular or plural accounts.
The account type provides information about the account (attributes of an account) as well as devices and dynamic clients associated with that account. The inclusion of dynamic clients is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting include-dynamic-clients-in-graph-QL-account-response to true under /profiles/profile (user-management-service)/settings/user-management-service/include-dynamic-clients-in-graph-QL-account-response.
/profiles/profile (user-management-service)/settings/user-management-service/include-dynamic-clients-in-graph-QL-account-response
The possible mutations for account related data available are:
createAccount(input: CreateAccountInput!): CreateAccountPayload updateAccountById(input: UpdateAccountByIdInput!): UpdateAccountByIdPayload validatePasswordAndUpdateAccountById(input: ValidatePasswordAndUpdateAccountByIdInput!): ValidatePasswordAndUpdateAccountByIdPayload deleteAccountById(input: DeleteAccountByIdInput!): DeleteAccountByIdPayload deleteLinkFromAccountByAccountId(input: DeleteLinkFromAccountByAccountIdInput!): DeleteLinkFromAccountByAccountIdPayload deleteDeviceFromAccountByAccountId(input: DeleteDeviceFromAccountByAccountIdInput!): DeleteDeviceFromAccountByAccountIdPayload deleteOptInMfaFactorFromAccountByAccountId(input: DeleteOptInMfaFactorFromAccountByAccountIdInput!): DeleteOptInMfaFactorFromAccountByAccountIdPayload resetOptInMfaStateByAccountId(input: ResetOptInMfaStateByAccountIdInput!): ResetOptInMfaStateByAccountIdPayload addDeviceToAccountByAccountId(input: AddDeviceToAccountByAccountIdInput!): AddDeviceToAccountByAccountIdPayload updateDeviceFromAccountByAccountId(input: UpdateDeviceFromAccountByAccountIdInput!): UpdateDeviceFromAccountByAccountIdPayload!
If a Credential Manager is configured with a credential policy, the following mutations are also available:
setCredentialPolicyRulesStateByUserName(input: CredentialPolicyRulesStateInput!): CredentialPolicyRulesState
Only the state of rules which are configured in the relevant Credential Policy may be modified.
If a bucket datasource is configured in the User Management profile, the following mutations are also available:
deleteBucketByUserName(input: DeleteBucketByUserNameInput!): DeleteBucketByUserNamePayload
GraphQL comes with a schema that can be introspected directly from the endpoint. Most graphql clients knows how to perform this operation and how to interpret the results. It’s important to note that even the introspection of the schema is oauth protected and requires appropriate permissions to be allowed.
The GraphQL API requires a valid Access Token from the associated OAuth Profile. This token is used to authorize the request. The authorization is handled by the configured authorization manager. If no authorization manager is configured, then no access will be given. It is recommended to use the groups authorization manager and to provide a value for the groups claim in the access token that maps against the rules in the authorization manager.
The User Management profile allows the addition of custom attributes that extend the predefined account type schema. Additional attributes consist of attribute name and attribute type (attribute type represents the data type of an object and must be one of the following: String - text-based attribute, Boolean - true/false, Long - number-based attribute, Object - custom JSON Object). The configured attributes are added to all queries and mutations for an account and are present when introspecting the GraphQL schema. The custom attributes can be configured in the User Management profile settings and are optional in all GraphQL account related queries and mutations.
The currently supported data sources for GraphQL are the JDBC, MongoDB and SCIM 2.0 data sources. There is limited support for DynamoDB, see the limitations.
For more details about how to work with the GraphQL APIs see the developer documentation.