Upgrading from 8.3.X to 8.4.0


No changes have been made to the SDK. However, the provided version of Kotlin was upgraded from 1.6.10 to 1.9.0. Plug-in developers are encouraged to upgrade to this version to remain aligned with the included version. Note that Kotlin contains a binary incompatible change between versions 1.6.10 and 1.9.0. This is unlikely to cause issues, but custom plugins written in Kotlin should still be thoroughly tested to be sure they work and we recommend recompiling the plugins with Kotlin version 1.9.0.

Database Changes

No mandatory changes are included in this release. However, the new feature Database Clients requires running the relevant SQL script in the $IDSVR_INSTALL/misc/upgrade/8.3-to-8.4/ directory, which creates a new SQL Table for storing Database Clients.

If you use a JDBC Data Source, it is recommended that you run the script even if you do not currently plan to use Database Clients, so that if the feature is ever required, the necessary table will already exist.

Deprecation notice

SAML Authenticator

The SAML authenticator has been marked as deprecated since the Curity Identity Server version 7.6. It was replaced by the SAML2 authenticator. As support for the original SAML authenticator is planned to be dropped, it is strongly advised to migrate to the SAML2 authenticator.

Encap Authenticator

The Encap authenticator is now deprecated and will be removed in some future major version (the exact version when it will be deprecated is not yet decided). It is advised to reconsider the use of the Encap authenticator and instead investigate alternative means of authentication, or to find an alternative way of getting support for it.

Logging Incorrect Cookies

Logging incorrect Cookies can now be enabled by adding the org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannelOverHttp logger with the level of DEBUG or higher (TRACE).