The Curity Identity Server has the following GraphQL APIs:
In order to work with the GraphQL API an access token needs to be obtained. The authorization manager configured on the corresponding profile defines what the token needs to contain in order to gain access.
Most commonly, the access token needs to contain a certain scope to pass the first authorization step, and if the groups authorization manager is used it also needs to contain the groups claim with a user group that matches one of the rules in the authorization manager.
Normally, no groups are added to an access token, regardless of the user-account’s attributes. For this reason, it is usually necessary to map the groups claim for the access token, as explained in the User Management with GraphQL Tutorial.
The GraphQL schema can be obtained from the GraphQL endpoint. However it is required to provide an access token with at least read access to see the schema.
Most GraphQL tools allow you to configure the headers sent when accessing the endpoints.
Fig. 202 Example of adding an access token to GraphiQL
After this is done, the tool will be able to introspect the endpoint and the schema should become visible.
The schema exposes two top level types: Query and Mutation. The Query is used when reading data and Mutation when updating.
Fig. 203 Top level schema in GraphiQL
Fig. 204 Query schema in GraphiQL
There are two types of queries, singular and plural; to obtain a single account or multiple.
query SingleAccount { accountByUserName(userName: "johndoe") { id userName emails { primary value } } }
{ "data": { "accountByUserName": { "id": "b626d5d206f64165bb5c14a843545c9d", "userName": "johndoe", "emails": [ { "primary": true, "value": "" } ] } } }
When reading multiple resources, the system provides cursor based pagination to be able to get partial results. It’s also possible to filter the result.
query AllAccounts{ accounts(sorting: { sortBy: created, sortOrder: ASCENDING } ) { edges { node { id userName emails { value primary } } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } totalCount } }
{ "data": { "accounts": { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": "1e99fb8210a944f1b6069a0cfe1c59c5", "userName": "bcryptUser", "emails": [ { "value": "", "primary": true } ] } }, ] "pageInfo": { "endCursor": null, "hasNextPage": false }, "totalCount": 13
The API loosely follows the definitions in for pagination. Most concepts in the GraphQL APIs should be familiar to anyone experienced with GraphQL APIs.
When a GraphQL mutation fails due to data source constraints violation, a GraphQL error message is returned. The errors.extensions.field element contains the details about the attribute causing the violation.
{ "errors": [ { "message": "The username provided is already registered", "locations": [], "extensions": { "classification": "constraint-violation", "field": "userName" } } ] }
For Database Clients, warnings can also be returned. They are reporting issues that should be better to address, but that did not prevent the requested operation to succeed. They are returned in the database client’s metadata, in the warnings field.
{ "data": { "updateDatabaseClientById": { "client_id": "db-client-one", "meta": { "warnings": { "user_authentication.allowed_authenticators": "The following authenticators are present in the client 'db-client-one' but not in the profile: [authenticator-X]" } } } } }
Ad-hoc querying and sorting does not fit well into a database like DynamoDB, which is typically designed for a well-known set of access patterns. Due to this, the DynamoDB data source presents some limitations when used with the User Management, Dynamic Client Registration and Database Client services.
Filtering and searching for attributes also suffers from the case sensitive nature of the DynamoDB. E.g.: this means when one is searching for an attribute the searching term has to match in uppercase and lowercase characters.
The GraphQL accounts(...) and databaseClients(...) query supports the STARTS_WITH filter type for the filtering attribute with a minimum of 3 characters in the filter value. Thus allowing to perform indexed search with this operator. The ENDS_WITH filter type is supported but will execute the query using a collection full-scan.
When a GraphQL query uses an unsupported feature, a GraphQL error message is returned. The errors.extensions attribute contains the details about the unsupported feature.
{ "errors": [ { "message": "At least 1 filter key must be defined", "locations": [], "extensions": { "classification": "operation-not-supported", "not-supported-cause": "FILTERING_ABSENT" } } ] }
The possible not-supported-cause extension attribute values are listed in the table below: