Curity SDKs

Curity provides a number of SDKs that allow the development of tools to extend and integrate with the Curity Identity Server.

Below, you can find more information about each different SDK and how to use them.

Plugins SDK

The Plugins SDK is used to create plugins for the Curity Identity Server. These run in the server itself to extend its capabilities.

Visit the Curity Plugins SDK documentation for an overview of how the plugins system works, or go directly to the Plugins SDK Javadocs for reference.


The iOS SDK for working with the Hypermedia Authentication API. It can be used to create mobile applications on Apple’s platform that safely consume the API to perform login. The SDK helps with attestation, content negotiation, and DPoP request signing. It is a low-level API and do not produce any viewable UI elements.


The Hypermedia Authentication API Android SDK is used by mobile application authors to integrate with the Curity Identity Server.

Kotlin HAAPI Android SDK Documentation

To obtain the SDK dependencies, you currently have to add the Curity Release Repository to your build system as shown in Access to the Curity Release Repository. We expect to make the SDK artifacts available in Maven Central at a later stage.


The Hypermedia Authentication API Web SDK is used by browser-based application authors to integrate with the Curity Identity Server.

Visit the Web HAAPI SDK documentation for reference.