New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.1

New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.1

We are pleased to announce the release of the Curity Identity Server 7.1, the first minor of version 7. Various fixes and enhancements make it a great update to an already great product.

Here are some highlights:

Look and Feel Configurable in the Admin UI

Starting with this version, admins can configure the look and feel of the pages presented to end users within the admin UI. The admin can set colors, change logos, position or hide elements, and so on. For many, the extent of customization performed is now possible without using the UI Kit and the UI Builder. You can still use both in more advanced cases.

Creating Custom Themes in the Admin UI

Graphical Overview of OAuth client Configuration

The OAuth client page in the admin UI now includes a graphical overview. The figure shows how the client is authenticated, its scopes, capabilities, and more. It has helpful shortcuts that allow for quick changes and navigation. This graphic serves as a map of sorts and should make configuring the client more straightforward.

Use of HAAPI with Devices That Have out of Sync Clocks

Enhancements have also been made to HAAPI to allow secure interoperability with devices that have changed their system clock. Many users, it was found, have shifted the clock on their mobile devices by many hours. This prevented HAAPI logins from working because the time of the client device was considered when determining the security of the environment. Newer drafts of the DPoP protocol consider this, and support for the latest revision is now included.

Read the release notes for more details.

Release Webinar


On Tuesday, May 17,__ at__ 15:00 CEST we will host a short webinar to explore what’s new in 7.1. We will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and, enhancements.

Next steps

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