New Release: Curity Identity Server 6.1

New Release: Curity Identity Server 6.1

We are pleased to announce the release of the Curity Identity Server 6.1. This minor release includes several exciting features.

Support for transforming credentials procedures

The first revision of the Curity Identity Server version 6 includes support for transforming credentials using a configured JavaScript procedure. This allows for the verification of secrets that were stored in virtually any format.

Multi-region data source

This version also includes new multi-region (i.e., multi-site or multi-cloud) deployment features. When coupled with existing capabilities, it is now even easier to run the Curity Identity Server in large, multi-cloud, environments that span regions controlled by different regulations.

SDK updates for events and actions

The SDK has been updated to include new events and actions. Specifically, when client attestation occurs, new events are fired. These allow tracking of unattested apps attempting to authenticate users with the hypermedia authentication API. They also allow you to react to issued, consumed, and expired attestation tokens. Furthermore, actions can now trigger a user registration after authentication. This can facilitate new flows that were previously cumbersome or not possible.

Like always, many bugs were fixed, dependencies were updated, docs were written, and the UI was improved. We hope you enjoy using this release as much as we enjoyed building it!

Read the release notes for more details.

Release webinar

On Tuesday, April 13, at 15:00 CET we will host a 30 minutes webinar to explore what’s new in 6.1. We will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and, enhancements.


Important reminder

Curity is moving all publications of the Curity Identity Server from Docker Hub to Azure Container Registry (ACR). All containers/tags that were previously published on Docker Hub can be obtained from ACR. We will not publish any new versions, patches, or updates of the Curity Identity Server to Docker Hub. On May 24, 2021, we will remove all containers previously published to Docker Hub. Customers and community edition users should migrate before this date to avoid issues.

Read more here.

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