Moving from Docker Hub to Azure Container Registry

Moving from Docker Hub to Azure Container Registry

Curity is moving all publications of the Curity Identity Server from Docker Hub to Azure Container Registry (ACR). All containers/tags that were previously published on Docker Hub can be obtained from ACR. We will not publish any new versions, patches, or updates of the Curity Identity Server to Docker Hub. On May 24, 2021, we will remove all containers previously published to Docker Hub. Customers and community edition users should migrate before this date to avoid issues.

This migration can be done by simply changing the way the container is obtained from curity/idsvr:<tag> to<tag>

This can manifest itself in docker pull commands, docker run commands, the image name of a FROM line in Dockerfiles, the image setting in a docker-compose.yml file, etc. That’s all there is to it!

If you have any issues or questions, please contact support.

Next steps

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