Curity and Signicat in joint webinar June 11th
Join Curity and Signicat in a free webinar on June 11th, and explore how you can achieve secure and easy eID authentication to cloud platforms.
It’s essential for organizations to facilitate secure access and maintaining privacy of everything from emails and calendars, signing of electronic documents to integration of third-party services via APIs.
With Curity's and Signicat’s combined solution, the authentication and authorization process for access to cloud platforms, such as Azure and AWS, becomes stronger and more secure.
During the webinar you will learn how to:
- Enable a wide range of authentications methods and eIDs for different users and purposes
- Connect eIDs with cloud-based account management
- Combine diverse sources of user information to enable secure access of data and services
To learn more and to register click here.
We hope you will join us on June 11th!