Secure Access

Identity Is the Key to Secure Access

Keeping apps, websites and APIs protected against unauthorized access requires advanced identity management. Curity solutions address demanding access security use cases, from API access control to Zero Trust Access.

Secure Access

Access Security Challenges We Help Resolve

Deliver user friendly experiences without compromising security

Deliver user friendly experiences without compromising security

Apply access control across all APIs, apps and digital services

Apply access control across all APIs, apps and digital services

Meet current and future data security regulations

Meet current and future data security regulations

Maintain strong security while scaling for growth

Maintain strong security while scaling for growth

How Curity Delivers Access Security

Enable the Right Access Decisions

Enable the Right Access Decisions

Enforce access permissions, rules and policies consistently across all digital assets through a code-based, centralized identity platform.

Keep Your Users' Data Safe

Keep Your Users' Data Safe

Protect user data with advanced identity and access management and API access security designed to defend against today's cyber threats.

Transfer Data Safely

Transfer Data Safely

High-grade encryption combined with strict access control helps ensure that data remains protected in storage and in transit.

Protect all APIs, SPAs and Digital Assets

Protect all APIs, SPAs and Digital Assets

With Curity, identity management and access control is centralized ensuring that access security is uniformly applied across all endpoints.

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