New Release: Curity Identity Server 5.2

New Release: Curity Identity Server 5.2

We are pleased to announce the release of Curity Identity Server 5.2. This release includes several new features, fixes, and improvements.

First, this release includes support for alarms which are triggered when issues arise in a running system. For instance, this might happen due to a slow or non-responsive database or Web service, a license key that is expiring soon or has expired, or an LDAP directory server acting up. Also, notifications are delivered using Webhooks, PagerDuty, email, or anything else you may create using the SDK. These can also be sent straight to Slack with nice formatting and links to more info.


This version also includes a new hypermedia API that allows an API client to directly integrate all aspects of the Curity Authentication Service — authenticators, actions, filters, etc. The API follows the OAuth and OpenID Connect standards but allows hypermedia clients to specify that they support a richer media type than HTML.

Additionally, the JavaScript assistant library has been updated. It is now easy to use from a CDN. It now also supports other flows, like the code flow and implicit flow. It also supports logout and session management. It is available on npm and can be added to your project with npm install @curity/oauth-assistant

curity-release-5-2-js-assistant (2)


  • Alarms are now raised whenever issues arise
  • Beta version of the new login API
  • JavaScript assistant library updated to support all flows

Above is just a selection of what’s included in this release; you can see the complete list of fixes and improvements in the release notes.

Release Webinar

We will host a webinar Tuesday 11 August at 15:00 CEST to explore what's new in 5.2. In this short webinar we will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and enhancements.

Next steps

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