Getting Started with OAuth and OpenID Connect
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In this 8 part online course you will get a comprehensive introduction to OAuth and OpenID Connect to help you get started with implementing these security standards in your own projects.
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Each session is approximately 30 minutes long.
Course outline
Session 1: Introduction to OAuth
In this first session we'll go through the basics of OAuth. You'll learn what it is intended to solve and the Authorization Code Flow which is the most common OAuth flow.
- Background and short history
- The Problem OAuth is solving
- Actors in OAuth
- The OAuth Code Flow
- Refreshing a token
Session 2: OAuth vs OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect is built on top of OAuth. It adds an identity layer that provides tools for the client to handle user logins and sessions. We'll discuss how OpenID is different from OAuth, how they relate to each other and how Single Sign On works using OpenID Connect.
- OpenID Connect vs OAuth
- The OpenID Connect Code Flow
- Single Sign-On and OpenID Connect
- Understanding the ID Token
Session 3: Tokens and APIs
OAuth is all about tokens. These tokens have specific purposes and usage patterns. In this session we'll explain the various tokens and how they work when calling an API. We will also discuss how to efficiently design an API infrastructure using a token based architecture and the phantom token flow.
- Tokens in OAuth and OpenID
- Understanding token type, purpose and format.
- Typical token lifetimes
- Calling an API with an Access Token
- Introspecting a token
- Using a Gateway to introspect tokens
- The Phantom Token Flow
Session 4: Server to Server Communication with OAuth
Applications that don't have users directly involved in the transaction are special in OAuth. In this session we discuss how to use OAuth for server applications and what tools there are to secure the usages of these tokens.
- Server to Server communication
- Client Credentials Flow
- Client Authentication Methods
- Mutual TLS (MTLS)
- JWT Client Assertion
- Secret
- MTLS Sender Constrained Tokens
Session 5: Design tokens for your APIs
Using tokens for access to an API is just the beginning. The token itself can be shaped to contain all the details the API needs in order to properly authorize the request. This means that the token itself is an API for the APIs. Using claims, tokens can be shaped to create a valuable resource in your API infrastructure.
- The difference between Scope and Claims
- How to design a token
- Using Scope
- Adding Claims
- Thinking API first
- Define a contract with the API
- Authorization in the API using scope and Claims
Session 6: Dynamic Clients and Metadata
OAuth and OpenID Connect define a standard metadata document that can be used by any client. Dynamic Clients are clients created on demand which enables many interesting use-cases. In this session we'll look at the Dynamic Client Registration standard and how to use it.
- Using Metadata in the Client
- What is Dynamic Client Registration
- The bootstrap token
- How is this obtained?
- DCRM - Managing the Client
Session 7: OAuth for Mobile Applications
When using OAuth in mobile applications it's important to follow the best practices. The applications is considered to be a public client that cannot hold a secret, so how do we secure the requests? We will also discuss how to turn a public client into a confidential client using Dynamic Client Registration.
- OAuth for Mobile Apps
- PKCE - Proof Key Code Exchange
- Public Clients
- Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) for Mobile Clients
- Creating Confidential Clients for Mobile Applications
Session 8: OAuth for Single Page Applications
Single Page Application run without a backend. All logic happens in the browser using JavaScript. To retrieve a token in order to call APIs certain measures should be taken. You will learn the best practice and we explore multiple ways SPAs can make use of OAuth.
- Single Page Applications
- PKCE - Proof Key Code Exchange
- Code Flow with an SPA
- Depending on the SSO Session
- Assisted Token
- Using a Backend for Frontend
Presented by:

Identity Specialists
at Curity
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