Session 7: OAuth for Mobile Applications
When using OAuth in mobile applications it's important to follow the best practices. The applications is considered to be a public client that cannot hold a secret, so how do we secure the requests? We will also discuss how to turn a public client into a confidential client using Dynamic Client Registration.
- OAuth for Mobile Apps - PKCE - Proof Key Code Exchange
- OAuth for Mobile Apps - Public Clients
- Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) for Mobile Clients
- Creating Confidential Clients for Mobile Applications
Related resources
Course Outline
Session 1: Introduction to OAuth
Session 2: OAuth vs OpenID Connect
Session 3: Tokens and APIs
Session 4: Server to Server Communication with OAuth
Session 5: Design tokens for your APIs
Session 6: Dynamic Clients and Metadata
Session 7: OAuth for Mobile Applications
Session 8: OAuth for Single Page Applications
Next steps
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