Curity is hosting a Java Meetup together with Computer Futures

Curity is the proud organizer behind the Stockholm Java User Group meetup. The next meetup will be hosted together with Computer Futures. The meetup, with the theme Patterns and Performance, will take place at 6 pm on February 20th, at SUP 46’s offices on Regeringsgatan 65 in Stockholm. The meetup is free and we will have three speakers presenting.

Klara Ward, Senior Software Engineer at Oracle, will talk about Java Flight Recorder – a low overhead profiling tool built into the Oracle JDK. Then, Jacob Ideskog, Solution Architect at Curity, will talk about Plug-ins with Dynamic Configuration and the small DSL with proxy pattern which Curity has developed. Jacob will demo how this works. Lastly, Renato Athaydes, Sofware Developer at iZettle, will talk about Modularization patterns: Java Modules vs. Microservices. Renato will discuss common patterns used to modularize Java applications, how microservices fit into the pattern, and the challenges and benefits of each different approach.

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