New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.6

New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.6

We are pleased to announce the release of the Curity Identity Server 7.6. The new version contains several updates and also serves as a reminder to upgrade to a recent release if you are still using version 6.X as this line is coming to the end of support.

Here are the highlights:

New SAML authenticator with SP metadata and SAML support in the Dynamic Authenticator

The new version of the Curity Identity Server introduces a brand new SAML authenticator. It has service provider metadata support, and can also be used with the Dynamic Authenticator for large-scale federation scenarios. In addition, it has fewer dependencies and a smaller code footprint, so any vulnerabilities will be fewer and farther between. It is intended to replace the existing SAML authenticator which is now deprecated. See the upgrade guide to learn how to migrate to the new authenticator.

Environment badge in Admin UI

You can now define a new badge or tag in the Admin UI. When managing many Identity Server environments, it can sometimes be difficult to know which UI belongs to which environment. With the new updates to Admin UI, it is now possible to set a deployment type for the environment that shows up as a prominently displayed badge. In addition, you can configure the badge color, and in some browsers, this color also shows in the tab. These cues will help avoid confusion when simultaneously managing multiple installations.

New authenticator listing page in the Admin UI

Another update in the UI can be found on the authenticator listing page. It is now formatted as a table, providing details about each authenticator at a glance. It simplifies management of authenticators and also shows the authenticator’s “purpose”. This is a way to group authenticators in the admin view based on their intended use.

Read the release notes for more details.

The 8.0 train will leave the station on February 13, 2023.

Release Webinar


On Thursday, December 22, at 15:00 CET we will host a short webinar to explore what’s new in 7.6. We will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and, enhancements.

Register for the webinar

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