New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.4

New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.4

We are pleased to announce the release of the Curity Identity Server 7.4. The new version contains a number of updates that improve authentication actions, client administration and facilities, new metrics for monitoring and more. 

Here are some of the highlights:

New Authentication Actions

This release improves the Authentication Actions, our authentication workflow/orchestration engine and includes four new actions. These bundled operations remove the need to write custom plugins for some common cases. For instance, it's now possible to trigger an email to be sent to a user, update the user's account mid-flow, prompt the user with a selector page, and copy an attribute from one location (such as the authentication attributes) to another (such as the newly added action attributes).

Improved client administration and facilities menu in the admin UI

The Admin UI is continuously being updated for an even better user experience. This release features an update to the client administration page. The page has been split into tabs with the most relevant settings on the first tab. The facilities menu has also been reworked and is now easier to navigate.

GraphQL Support for DCR Clients Stored in DynamoDB

Our GraphQL work is ongoing. In this update, we have enhanced the GraphQL API to be able to list DCR clients stored in DynamoDB. We're planning more work in this area.

New metrics for monitoring relational databases 

Finally, we've improved our Prometheus-compatible metrics with new data that provides insights into the JDBC connection management. This makes it possible to monitor the connections more closely. The Grafana dashboard available on GitHub has also been updated to show these metrics.

Read the release notes for more details.

Release Webinar


On Thursday, September 29, at 15:00 CEST we will host a short webinar to explore what’s new in 7.4. We will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and, enhancements.

Watch the recorded 7.4 release webinar on the Developer Portal.

Next steps

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