New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.3
We are pleased to announce the release of the Curity Identity Server 7.3. The new version contains a number of significant updates that improve GrapQL usage, federation, and orchestration.
Here are some of the highlights:
Attribute Authorization Manager
The GraphQL and SCIM APIs can now be authorized in a more fine grained manner using the new Attribute Authorization Manager. It can be configured to authorize down to the attribute level for a given request.
Dynamic Authenticator
This release also introduces a brand new Dynamic Authenticator which can load other authenticators dynamically based on the request. It fetches configuration from an external source making it possible to host many thousands of federations in a single authenticator. Depending on input such as the user’s email, the authenticator will look up the configuration needed for that request and federate the user to the correct IdP.
Authentication Action Attributes
Authentication Actions have previously been able to communicate between each other using Authentication Attributes. These later end up in the SSO session. Very often, however, there is a need to pass attributes between actions solely during the execution of the action pipeline (e.g., to control attributes that trigger the next action to run or not). These can now be placed in a new type of attribute store called Authentication Action Attributes that are dropped after the pipeline is done.
Email Authenticator with Phishing-Protectant Code
Curity Identity Server 7.3 contains an improvement to the Email Authenticator, which enables the option to send emails with one-time codes instead of hyperlinks for logins.
Read the release notes for more details.
Release Webinar
On Thursday, August 18, at 16:00 CEST we will host a short webinar to explore what’s new in 7.3. We will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and, enhancements.