New Release: Curity Identity Server 7.2
We are pleased to announce the release of the Curity Identity Server 7.2, containing several new features and fixes.
Here are some of the highlights:
Support for the EdDSA Signing Algorithm
Although being a minor release, we have added a major update to the signing subsystem, namely support for the new EdDSA signing algorithm. All tokens issued by the Curity Identity Server can now be signed using EdDSA, a faster and more secure curve algorithm.
__Don't miss! __ We'll host a webinar exploring EdDSA and other algorithms on August 24: An Engineer's Guide to Signature Algorithms and EdDSA.
GraphQL Updates
The GraphQL API has two new important features. The first makes it possible to extend the account schema in configuration, and use custom attributes for both reads and writes.
The second addition is to make it possible to list DCR clients under the account that created it when registration was done with a user-based flow (e.g., the code flow). This makes the graph more expressive and provides simplicity when managing users.
Mutual TLS Client Authentication using Subject Alternative Names (SAN)
This release also adds an important feature for mutual TLS clients. It is now possible to use SAN attributes for client authentication.
Read the release notes for more details.
Release Webinar
On Wednesday, June 29, at 15:00 CEST we will host a short webinar to explore what’s new in 7.2. We will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and, enhancements.