New Release: Curity Identity Server 5.1

New Release: Curity Identity Server 5.1

We are pleased to announce the release of Curity Identity Server 5.1. This includes a number of new features, fixes and improvements.

For instance, this release includes support for login using Duo, a service from Cisco, that allows users to login using OTP sent via SMS, push notifications, or using an OTP generator installed on their mobile. This new MFA option gives customers more possibilities to properly identify their users. 

Another new feature is the ability to authenticate users based on location. The geolocation-based login options allow customers to take action when new or changed locations are detected. There are also actions that can detect an "impossible journey" and allow any desired countermeasure to be taken (e.g., requiring an additional factor of authentication). These two new MFA options are especially pertinent in these times when more and more users are remote.


OpenID Connect compliant logout is another important new feature. These specifications have matured to the point that we believe they are stable and usable in production. The OpenID Foundation has recently introduced certification tests for them, and our implementation has passed all of these. 


  • Duo authenticator as an additional MFA choice, e.g., to authenticate via SMS, push notification, or One-time Passwords (OTP)
  • OpenID Connect compliant logout support, including front- and back-channel logout and session management
  • Geolocation-based actions, logging, authenticator filters, and authenticator restrictions

This is just a selection of what’s included in this release, you can see the complete list of fixes and improvements in the release notes.

Release Webinar

We will host a webinar next week to explore what's new in 5.1. In this short webinar we will go through the release notes, highlighting new features, fixes and enhancements.

This webinar has now passed and was recorded. You can watch the recorded session here.


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