Curity Presents at the API conference in Texas

Curity will be joining Nordic APIs event The Austin API Summit in Austin, Texas, on June 11-13th.

On June 11th Curity will host a half-day workshop “OAuth and OpenID Connect in Practice” in Austin. We will discuss why things are designed the way they are, how they should be deployed in a scalable fashion, and what it means to build an entire platform that uses these standards.

On the first day of the main event, June 12th, our CEO Travis Spencer will host an introductory session on OAuth and OpenID Connect where he will “cram as much about these two protocols as will fit into 20 minutes”. And on the second day of the conference Daniel Lindau, Solution Architect at Curity, will give a keynote talk on OAuth Assisted Token Flow for Single Page Applications. In this session, Daniel will show how OAuth can be integrated into Single Page Applications (SPAs) using the assisted token flow – a new OAuth message exchange pattern introduced at IETF 101.

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