Hear from Curity Identity Experts at the 2019 Austin API Summit

Hear from Curity Identity Experts at the 2019 Austin API Summit

May 14-15, 2019, Nordic APIs are hosting the Austin API Summit in Texas. As supporters of Nordic APIs we’re pleased to announce that we will be at the event. Attendees of the Summit will hear from a long list of API experts as well as Curity’s Travis Spencer, Jacob Ideskog and Daniel Lindau.

Attend the event to:

  • Expand your knowledge of design style: GraphQL, REST, gRPC & more
  • Take microservices architecture theories into practice with real-life case studies
  • Secure API access management and identity control using protocols like OAuth, OpenID Connect, SCIM, and others
  • Learn how to refine your developer experiences and increase API adoption using tools like OpenAPI Specification
  • Discover innovative trends effecting the API space: From serverless, IoT, to AI

Early Bird tickets are available on Nordic APIs website for anyone who wants to grab a bargain priced ticket. Visit the website for tickets and more event information.

We hope to see you there!

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