Curity Security Breakfast Copenhagen
18 September 2024 | 08:00-10:00 | Villa Copenhagen
Security is a major concern for executives and tech professionals in any industry that handles sensitive data, particularly in sectors like financial services and healthcare. Security breaches can harm customers, diminish investment value, damage your brand, and result in a significant amount of lost revenue.
Join Curity to discuss high grade security strategies and tactics, including securing APIs, to protect your organization and valuable customer data from breaches.
We'll also discuss modern web security, specifically, single page applications (SPAs). They are hugely popular, streamlining Web UI development and delivering rich user experiences, but there are some security risks. We'll share best practices for protecting SPAs with minimal code and how to leverage innovative web API protection patterns.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how high grade security can be achieved with industry standards and the latest in API security innovation.
The breakfast is free to attend, but spaces are limited, so register using the form below.
8:00 Breakfast & networking
8:30 Welcome
8:35 Protect high-value data: Financial Grade API Security
9:00 Single Page Application - Where Security Goes to Die!
9:30 Closing of event
Location Villa Copenhagen - Tietgensgade 35-39, 1704, Copenhagen
This event has now passed, and registration has been closed.