Curity Technology Solutions™

Tech and SaaS Security

Strengthen the security of your tech and SaaS applications, enabling business growth with Curity's CIAM and API security solution

Tech and SaaS Security
Empower Your Developer Teams

Empower Your Developer TeamsAnchor link

Avoid ad-hoc solutions that aren't safe or maintainable. Empower local configurations and enable decentralized app development. Curity provides your development and operations teams with an API-driven platform where policies and configurations are handled in a unified way and stored within your central control. React quickly to using built-in Quality of Service (QoS) features that your DevOps team will appreciate.

Grow Identity Management with your Tech SolutionAnchor link

The Curity solution will grow with your organization. The ability to scale up your deployment rather than writing code is crucial. Built on open standards, your SaaS and tech solutions will benefit from peer reviewed security protocols that are certified to be compliant. This makes it easier to cope with growth, new initiatives, or M&A because maneuvering such changes doesn't require the solution’s security subsystem to be re-coded. Such safety assurances are important to the customers of your SaaS and will speed up the delivery of your modern tech solutions.

Grow Identity Management with your Tech Solution
Scale Identity and API Security to Internet Levels

Scale Identity and API Security to Internet LevelsAnchor link

The Curity solution is built to scale. Using out of the box health and usage telemetry, services can auto-scale based on sudden shifts in demand. Cloud native from inception, the Curity Identity Server can scale linearly to cope with increased traffic. With support for any data plane that you prefer, you can achieve high throughput and rapid responses at scale. When building an internet-scale SaaS application, co-locating an identity product with yours forms an ideal architecture.

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Enhance Service AvailabilityAnchor link

The Curity Identity Server can be deployed in any environment: on-premise or hybrid; single or multi-cloud; private or public cloud. Running the Curity Identity Server in the environment of your choice gives you control and supports an always-on approach.

Learn more about deployment
Enhance Service Availability
Manage Multi-region and Multi-cloud Deployments

Manage Multi-region and Multi-cloud DeploymentsAnchor link

With the Curity Identity Server, you can build a shared layer for different geographies and create a centralized identity and access management solution. Meaning, you can meet varied demands without the need to duplicate the system for each separate case. You can avoid downtime due to IaaS outages by deploying across clouds; this allusive feat is easier to accomplish when your identity system is tied to the cloud provider that is offline! Learn more about multi-region deployment

Learn more about multi-region deployment
Cloud native and cloud agnostic

Cloudnative and cloud agnostic

Rapid Kubernetes setup using provided Helm chart

RapidKubernetes setup using provided Helm chart

Unlimited users, VMs, containers

Unlimitedusers, VMs, containers

Speed up time-to market

Speed uptime-to-market

Trusted by ManyAnchor link


Next steps

Ready to modernize IAM?Anchor link

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