
Secure Frictionless Authentication

No need to choose between high-level security and a good user experience if smooth, frictionless authentication methods are used.

Secure Frictionless AuthenticationSecure Frictionless AuthenticationSecure Frictionless Authentication
Drive Loyalty

Drive Loyalty and Improve Business PerformanceAnchor link

Great customer experiences drive loyalty and enhanced business performance. Authentication methods that are too intrusive, slow, or complex risk frustrating users and losing customers. Presenting the right authentication method at the right time and in the right context is important to managing secure access and preventing identity-related breaches.

Explore Authentication API

Smarter Login DecisionsAnchor link

Adaptive authentication methods allow for more intelligent login decisions. For example, using geodata, you can configure actions to alter the authentication process depending on whether or not the user is logging in from a new country, a forbidden country, or has made an impossible journey.

Smarter login decisions
Reduced customer friction

Reduced Customer FrictionAnchor link

There is no need to choose between high-level security and good user experiences if smooth, frictionless authentication methods are used. Run additional authenticators depending on the context of the user log-in session to enable a balance between high-security and low-friction.

Authentication Actions
Manage Login Risk

Manage Login RiskAnchor link

Using the Curity Identity Server enables advanced multi-factor authentication. Chain any number of authentication methods, in any order, to create a secure and user-friendly login experience.

Modernize Login with Passwordless Authentication

Modernize Login with Passwordless AuthenticationAnchor link

It’s common to use the same password across several different web apps, making online accounts vulnerable to attack. This combined with users’ demand for easy login paves the way for passwordless login. The Curity Identity Server supports WebAuthn out-of-the-box. The authenticator can be configured and used with, for example, Apple TouchID, YubiKey, or other devices supporting WebAuthn. WebAuthn also lends itself nicely as an additional factor in a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) configuration.

Going Passwordless With WebAuthn

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