String resources from the Idsvr Haapi UIWidget

IdsvrHaapiUIKit framework is distributed containing only translations for the default localization definition which is provided in English language. Other languages are always dependant on the client's definitions.

Below are the IdsvrHaapiUIKit framework default translation for the apps static string definitions.

// Generic use - example usage in a button text // The ok term translation. "hui_ok" = "OK"; // The cancel term translation. "hui_cancel" = "Cancel"; // The done term translation. "hui_done" = "Done"; // The back term translation. "hui_back" = "Back"; // Flow Interruption // The message for the user feedback alert when an error occurs that requires the flow to be restarted. "hui_haapi_flow_restart_required_message" = "An error has occurred and the authentication process needs to be restarted from the beginning."; // The title for the user feedback alert when the current ongoing flow is interrupted by user's action. "hui_haapi_flow_interrupting_title" = "Are you sure you want to leave the authentication flow?"; // The message for the user feedback alert when the current ongoing flow is interrupted by user's action. "hui_haapi_flow_interrupting_message" = "Leaving now may result in the cancellation of the authentication process and you will need to start over from the beginning."; // The title of the button to confirm the flow interruption. "hui_haapi_flow_interrupting_confirm" = "Leave"; // The title of the button to cancel the flow interruption. "hui_haapi_flow_interrupting_cancel" = "Stay and continue"; // External Client Operation // The message to present to the user when it is not possible to open an external application. "hui_app_scheme_is_not_installed" = "The application with the scheme '%@' is not installed."; // No Routes Problem // The title of the screen when the current flow cannot proceed any further. "hui_problem_no_routes" = "No routes."; // The message of the screen when the current flow cannot proceed any further. "hui_problem_no_routes_message" = "%@ has no alternative routes to continue the Haapi flow."; // Webauthn Client Operation "hui_webauthn_crossplatform_button_text" = "Security-Key"; // The message that explains the CrossPlatform Webauthn option. "hui_webauthn_crossplatform_message_text" = "A security key, such as a portable key attached through USB or wirelessly through NFC or BLE."; // The title of the button to select the device built-in Platform Webauthn option. "hui_webauthn_platform_button_text" = "Built-in"; // The message that explains the Platform Webauthn option. "hui_webauthn_platform_message_text" = "A non-removable built-in device, such as face recognition or a finger print reader embedded in your device."; // The message to display when the native WebAuthn flow encountered an unrecoverable error. "hui_webauthn_error_message_text" = "An error has occurred or WebAuthn is not supported by this device. Please open the browser instead to complete the flow."; // The message to display when the native WebAuthn flow encountered a recoverable error and can be retried. "hui_webauthn_retry_message_text" = "Operation was cancelled or timed out."; // The title of the button to retry the WebAuthn flow using the native support. "hui_webauthn_retry_button_text" = "Retry"; // The title of the button to try the WebAuthn flow using the external browser. "hui_webauthn_error_button_text" = "Open Browser"; // The message to present as user feedback when a Passkey is created. "hui_webauthn_registration_success_message_text" = "Passkey has been successfully created."; // Development related usage // The title for the feedback alert when an error occurs. "hui_dev_unsupported_title" = "Unsupported"; // The text for the feedback when an error occurs. "hui_dev_unsupported_message" = "%@ is not supported"; // The title for the feedback alert when a flow runtime error occurs. "hui_dev_runtime_title" = "Runtime error"; // The text for the feedback when a flow runtime error occurs. "hui_dev_runtime_message" = "The flow is interrupted due to: %@.";