

enum StepFactory

Provides functionality to build instances of Step HaapiRepresentation.



public static func authenticatorOption(title: Message,
                                       type: String?,
                                       action: FormAction) -> AuthenticatorSelectorStep.AuthenticatorOption

Creates an instance of AuthenticatorSelectorStep.AuthenticatorOption model.


Name Description
title The title of the represented AuthenticatorOption.
type The type of the authenticator.
action The FormAction to be used to select the current option.


public static func authenticatorSelector(// swiftlint:disable:this function_parameter_count
    title: Message,
    authenticators: [AuthenticatorSelectorStep.AuthenticatorOption],
    metadata: Metadata?,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> AuthenticatorSelectorStep

Creates an instance of AuthenticatorSelectorStep model.


Name Description
title The title of the represented Step.
authenticators An array of AuthenticatorOption instances to choose from.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func interactiveForm(
    actions: [FormAction],
    type: RepresentationType,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> InteractiveFormStep

Creates an instance of InteractiveFormStep model.


Name Description
actions An array of FormAction instances that can be used to move the flow forward.
type The type of the modelled Step.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func redirection(
    redirectAction: FormAction,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    actions: [Action],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> RedirectionStep

Creates an instance of RedirectionStep model.


Name Description
redirectAction The FormAction that maps the redirect action kind.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func polling( // swiftlint:disable:this function_parameter_count
    mainAction: FormAction,
    cancelAction: FormAction?,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: PollingProperties,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> PollingStep

Creates an instance of PollingStep model.


Name Description
mainAction The FormAction that maps the poll action kind.
cancelAction The FormAction that maps the cancel action kind.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional PollingProperties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func oAuthAuthorization(
    metadata: Metadata?,
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: OAuthAuthorizationResponseProperties,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> OAuthAuthorizationResponseStep

Creates an instance of OAuthAuthorizationResponseStep model.


Name Description
metadata Additional information about the Step.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional OAuthAuthorizationResponseProperties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func continueSame(
    metadata: Metadata?,
    messages: [UserMessage],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> ContinueSameStep

Creates an instance of ContinueSameStep model.


Name Description
metadata Additional information about the Step.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func userConsent(
    metadata: Metadata?,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> UserConsentStep

Creates an instance of UserConsentStep model.


Name Description
metadata Additional information about the Step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func externalBrowserClientOperation(
    actionModel: ExternalBrowserClientOperationActionModel,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    type: RepresentationType,
    actions: [Action],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> ExternalBrowserClientOperationStep

Creates an instance of ExternalBrowserClientOperationStep model.


Name Description
actionModel The ExternalBrowserClientOperationActionModel model instance.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
type The RepresentatioType value for the step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func bankIdClientOperation( // swiftlint:disable:this function_parameter_count
    activationLink: Link?,
    actionModel: BankIdClientOperationActionModel,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    type: RepresentationType,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> BankIdClientOperationStep

Creates an instance of BankIdClientOperationStep model.


Name Description
activationLink The activation link for BakId. It represents a QRCode image.
actionModel The BankIdClientOperationActionModel model instance.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
type The RepresentatioType value for the step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func encapClientOperation( // swiftlint:disable:this function_parameter_count
    actionModel: EncapAutoActivationClientOperationActionModel,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    type: RepresentationType,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> EncapClientOperationStep

Creates an instance of EncapClientOperationStep model.


Name Description
actionModel The EncapAutoActivationClientOperationActionModel model instance.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
type The RepresentatioType value for the step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func webauthnRegistrationClientOperation( // swiftlint:disable:this function_parameter_count
    actionModel: WebAuthnRegistrationClientOperationActionModel,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    type: RepresentationType,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) throws -> WebAuthnRegistrationClientOperationStep

Creates an instance of WebAuthnRegistrationClientOperationStep model.


Name Description
actionModel The WebAuthnRegistrationClientOperationActionModel model instance.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
type The RepresentatioType value for the step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func webAuthnAuthenticationClientOperation( // swiftlint:disable:this function_parameter_count
    actionModel: WebAuthnAuthenticationClientOperationActionModel,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    type: RepresentationType,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) throws -> WebAuthnAuthenticationClientOperationStep

Creates an instance of WebAuthnAuthenticationClientOperationStep model.


Name Description
actionModel The WebAuthnAuthenticationClientOperationActionModel model instance.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
type The RepresentatioType value for the step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func genericClientOperation( // swiftlint:disable:this function_parameter_count
    actionModel: GenericClientOperationActionModel,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    type: RepresentationType,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: GenericProperties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> GenericClientOperationStep

Creates an instance of GenericClientOperationStep model.


Name Description
actionModel The GenericClientOperationActionModel model instance.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
type The RepresentatioType value for the step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.


public static func genericRepresentation(
    type: RepresentationType,
    metadata: Metadata?,
    actions: [Action],
    messages: [UserMessage],
    links: [Link],
    properties: Properties?,
    rawJsonString: String? = nil
) -> GenericRepresentationStep

Creates an instance of GenericRepresentationStep model.


Name Description
type The RepresentatioType value for the step.
metadata Additional information about the Step.
actions An array of actions that can be used to move the flow forward.
messages An array of messages to be displayed to the user.
links An array of Link instances that can be used to choose an alternate path for the flow.
properties The additional properties JSON representation.
rawJsonString A string representation of the raw model content. Default value is nil.