

@objcMembers public final class OAuthTokenManager: NSObject

OAuthTokenManager instances are used to fetch or refresh an access token.



public let oauthTokenConfiguration: OAuthTokenConfigurable

The configuration used to build this instance.



@objc public convenience init(oauthTokenConfiguration: OAuthTokenConfigurable)

Creates an OAuthTokenManager instance.


Name Description
oauthTokenConfiguration The configuration used to build this instance.


public func fetchAccessToken(with authorizationCode: String,
                             dpop: Dpop? = nil,
                             additionalParameters: [String: String]? = nil,
                             completionHandler: @escaping OAuthCompletion)

Fetches an access token using an authorization code grant. If it succeeds then a SuccessfulTokenResponse with the access token is returned. If it fails either a ErrorTokenResponse with the error reason is returned or the result has an Error.


Name Description
authorizationCode The authorization code.
dpop The Dpop that was used during the Haapi flow. When it is required, this value has to be used via HaapiManager.dpop.
additionalParameters The additional parameters for the request body. The default value is nil.
completionHandler A completion handler that is called when fetchAccessToken is complete.


public func refreshAccessToken(with refreshToken: String,
                               additionalParameters: [String: String]? = nil,
                               completionHandler: @escaping OAuthCompletion)

Refresh an access token by providing a refresh token. If it succeeds then a SuccessfulTokenResponse with the access token is returned. If it fails either an ErrorTokenResponse with the error reason is returned or the result has an Error.


Name Description
refreshToken The refresh token.
additionalParameters The additional parameters for the request body. The default value is nil.
completionHandler A completion handler that is called when refreshAccessToken is complete.


public func revokeAccessToken(with token: String, completionHandler: @escaping OAuthRevocationCompletion)

Revokes an access token. If it succeeds then a successfulRevocation is returned. If it fails an error response is returned containing an Error.


Name Description
token The token to be revoked.
completionHandler A completion handler that is called when revokeAccessToken is complete.


public func revokeRefreshToken(with token: String,
                               completionHandler: @escaping OAuthRevocationCompletion)

Revokes a refresh token. If it succeeds then a success is returned. If it fails an error response is returned containing an Error.


Name Description
token The token to be revoked.
completionHandler A completion handler that is called when revokeRefreshToken is complete.