Colors from the asset catalog of IdsvrHaapiUIKit
Here are the defined colors that are used in the default theming for IdsvrHaapiUIKit. Colors are defined to support light and dark modes.
Key / name | Any appearance | Dark |
hui_background | #FFFFFF | #42495B |
hui_button_background_primary | #646E85 | #646E85 |
hui_button_background_secondary | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
hui_button_loading_indicator_tint_primary | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
hui_button_loading_indicator_tint_secondary | #646E85 | #646E85 |
hui_button_loading_indicator_tint_text | #15171D | #15171D |
hui_button_stroke_secondary | #C6C6C6 | #C6C6C6 |
hui_button_text | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
hui_checkbox_off_background | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
hui_checkbox_on_background | #D55BA0 | #D55BA0 |
hui_checkbox_stroke | #C6C6C6 | #C6C6C6 |
hui_close_button_tint | #15171D | #FFFFFF |
hui_curity_logo | #636E88 | #636E88 |
hui_error_immutable | #CA2E2B | #CA2E2B |
hui_grey_immutable | #C6C6C6 | #C6C6C6 |
hui_grey_light_background_immutable | #F6F6F6 | #F6F6F6 |
hui_input_text_view_stroke | #646E85 | #646E85 |
hui_message_view_content_text | #666666 | #FFFFFF |
hui_message_view_error_background | #CA2E2B08 | #CA2E2B |
hui_message_view_error_text | #CA2E2B | #FFFFFF |
hui_message_view_heading_text | #666666 | #FFFFFF |
hui_message_view_info_background | #70BBE108 | #70BBE1 |
hui_message_view_info_text | #70BBE1 | #FFFFFF |
hui_message_view_roc_text | #111111 | #C6C6C6 |
hui_message_view_warning_background | #E0C01C08 | #E0C01C |
hui_message_view_warning_text | #E0C01C | #FFFFFF |
hui_notification_banner_text | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
hui_placeholder_immutable | #B3B3B3 | #B3B3B3 |
hui_primary_immutable | #646E85 | #646E85 |
hui_spot_magenta_immutable | #D55BA0 | #D55BA0 |
hui_text_headings | #111111 | #FFFFFF |
hui_text_immutable | #666666 | #666666 |
hui_text_paragraphs | #666666 | #FFFFFF |
hui_text | #666666 | #FFFFFF |
hui_transparent | #00000000 | #00000000 |