Colors from the asset catalog of IdsvrHaapiUIKit

Here are the defined colors that are used in the default theming for IdsvrHaapiUIKit. Colors are defined to support light and dark modes.

Key / name Any appearance Dark
hui_background #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #42495B #42495B
hui_button_background_primary #646E85 #646E85 #646E85 #646E85
hui_button_background_secondary #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_button_loading_indicator_tint_primary #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_button_loading_indicator_tint_secondary #646E85 #646E85 #646E85 #646E85
hui_button_loading_indicator_tint_text #15171D #15171D #15171D #15171D
hui_button_stroke_secondary #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6
hui_checkbox_off_background #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_checkbox_on_background #D55BA0 #D55BA0 #D55BA0 #D55BA0
hui_checkbox_stroke #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6
hui_close_button_tint #15171D #15171D #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_curity_logo #636E88 #636E88 #636E88 #636E88
hui_error_immutable #CA2E2B #CA2E2B #CA2E2B #CA2E2B
hui_grey_immutable #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6
hui_grey_light_background_immutable #F6F6F6 #F6F6F6 #F6F6F6 #F6F6F6
hui_input_text_view_stroke #646E85 #646E85 #646E85 #646E85
hui_message_view_content_text #666666 #666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_message_view_error_background #CA2E2B #CA2E2B08 #CA2E2B #CA2E2B
hui_message_view_error_text #CA2E2B #CA2E2B #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_message_view_heading_text #666666 #666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_message_view_info_background #70BBE1 #70BBE108 #70BBE1 #70BBE1
hui_message_view_info_text #70BBE1 #70BBE1 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_message_view_roc_text #111111 #111111 #C6C6C6 #C6C6C6
hui_message_view_warning_background #E0C01C #E0C01C08 #E0C01C #E0C01C
hui_message_view_warning_text #E0C01C #E0C01C #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_notification_banner_text #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_placeholder_immutable #B3B3B3 #B3B3B3 #B3B3B3 #B3B3B3
hui_primary_immutable #646E85 #646E85 #646E85 #646E85
hui_spot_magenta_immutable #D55BA0 #D55BA0 #D55BA0 #D55BA0
hui_text_headings #111111 #111111 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_text_immutable #666666 #666666 #666666 #666666
hui_text_paragraphs #666666 #666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_text #666666 #666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
hui_transparent #000000 #00000000 #000000 #00000000