API Access Control

API Access Control to Protect Data and Systems

As API use continues to grow to support evolving digital trends, the need for API access control is also growing. Curity helps mitigate the security risks that APIs can introduce with standards-based, best-practice identity management and API access security.

API Access Control
Uniformly secure all APIs

Uniformly secure all APIs

Centralize API access management

Centralize API access management

Use scopes and claims

Use scopes and claims

Protect All APIs

The Curity Identity Server is a low-code solution that removes the need to develop custom user authentication code for each API. It delivers centralized token-based authentication that can be applied across all APIs and digital services. The result is flexible, scalable, fine-grained access protection that adheres to high-security regulations.

Centralize API Access Management

Centralize API Access Management

Enforce API access policies consistently across all APIs throughout your organization.

Defend Internal and External APIs

Defend Internal and External APIs

Protect APIs when used internally, and keep them protected if they're launched for public use.

Fully Leverage API Security Standards

Fully Leverage API Security Standards

Design security around standards for faster integrations and more secure access

Supports API Access Control Best Practices

Supports API Access Control Best Practices

The Curity Identity Server follows best practices for API access control like configuring APIs behind a gateway. Curity integrates with any API gateway you choose to centralize traffic features like rate limiting, blocking malicious clients, and proper logging. Additionally, the Curity Identity Server enables the recommended practice of using a centralized OAuth server instead of the API or gateway to issue access and refresh tokens. It also facilitates the use of scopes for coarse-grained access control and claims for fine-grained access control at the API level.

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Apply a Zero Trust Model for All APIs

Apply a Zero Trust Model for All APIs

The rise of cloud and remote computing means protecting the network perimeter is no longer enough to defend against cyber attacks. Zero Trust Access addresses this challenge by building a protective boundary around applications and microservices. It is a token-based approach to authentication that can handle multiple use cases, including user resource access and services communicating with other services. Scalable and highly flexible, it is the method to use when it comes to microservice API security and access control.

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Scalable Access Control

Scalable Access Control

API platforms are growing, and the need for a scalable access control model is more urgent than ever. The Curity Identity Server uses standard OAuth2 and OpenID Connect to give developers tools that can be easily scaled across the most complex environments. It supports the use of scope and claims to implement strong API security. Plus, it enables a layered access control model that separates access control policies for fine-grained and simplified management.

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