Digital Wallet

Easily Exchange Digital Credentials with a Digital Wallet

Explore issuance and verification of digital credentials

Digital Wallet
Wallet example

Onboarding and Identification

Decentralized identities enable an ecosystem where verifiable credentials from trusted and well-known issuers can be used to bootstrap user accounts in a self service manner. This can improve both user experience as well as the security of the process as it eliminates the need for manual verification steps and the distribution of account details over insecure channels.

Know Who The User is Before Signing up

User Self Service

Seemless User Experience

Wallet Use Cases

The Curity demo wallet is pre-configured with three example credential issuers: car insurance, flight ticket and university degree. The wallet can request credentials from this list. Alternatively you can add other credential issuers that support the OpenID4VCI protocol as well. For example, you may add your own instance of the Curity Identity Server.

And Many More Use Cases



Gaming Credential

Gaming Credential

Golf Score Card

Golf Score Card

Library Card

Library Card

Work Place Credential

Work Place Credential

Concert Ticket

Concert Ticket

Issuing Credentials

In this example, the user is requesting their verified credentials, proof of a degree perhaps, from their former university. The university is issuing the credential for the user to place in their digital identity wallet for future use.

Try out Credential Issuance

Open the University Website

Open the Wallet

Example: A university is providing a user with proof of their degree.

Sign in at the university website to get a verifiable credential such as a diploma.

Sign in at the university website to get a verifiable credential such as a diploma.

For demo purposes, enter a username to sign in.

For demo purposes, enter a username to sign in.

The university website prompts you to choose a verifiable credential to download.

The university website prompts you to choose a verifiable credential to download.

Scan the QR code or open the credential in the Wallet app on the same device.

Scan the QR code or open the credential in the Wallet app on the same device.

The wallet stores your verifiable credential securely.

The wallet stores your verifiable credential securely.

Requesting Credentials

As part of a job application an applicant needs to provide proof of a university degree to a job site. They are able to share the verified credential received from their university. The job site can be confident that this digital credential has been issued by the university and trusts the proof provided by the applicant.

Try out Requesting Credentials

Open the Job Application Website

Open the Wallet

Example: A job site is requesting proof of a university degree

Apply for a job and click next to present a verifiable credential.

Apply for a job and click next to present a verifiable credential.

Continue to load a verifiable credential to provide a proof of your degree.

Continue to load a verifiable credential to provide a proof of your degree.

The job application website triggers a code flow using the Curity OpenID Wallet Authenticator.

The job application website triggers a code flow using the Curity OpenID Wallet Authenticator.

The Wallet asks you to present a suitable verifiable credential to provide the proof of degree.

The Wallet asks you to present a suitable verifiable credential to provide the proof of degree.

The Wallet presented the verifiable credential. You have successfully submitted the job application.

The Wallet presented the verifiable credential. You have successfully submitted the job application.

Next steps

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