

@objcMembers public class Dpop: NSObject

The Dpop class represents the context used for the Demonstrating Proof of Possession protocol used for authenticating requests that prove ownership of a private key



public let jwkThumbprint: String

The JWK Thumbprint of the DPoP public key



Create a DPoP proof token (a signed JWT) for the provided HTTP-method and URL. To sign the JWT, the cryptographic key of the Dpop context is used. This method can only be used when running Curity Identity Server versions below 7.1 which use legacy DPoP Proof configuration or when client is explicitly configured to use legacy DPoP Proof.


public func createProof(httpMethod: String,
                        url: URL,
                        nonce: String? = nil,
                        accessToken: String? = nil) throws -> String

Create a DPoP proof token (a signed JWT) for the provided HTTP-method and URL. To sign the JWT, the cryptographic key of the Dpop context is used.


Name Description
httpMethod the HTTP method of the request to authenticate
url the URL of the request to authenticate
nonce the current DPoP nonce held
accessToken the current held access token


Calculate the DPoP request header value that can be used to authenticate a request of url by httpMethod. This method can only be used if running Curity Identity Server versions below 7.1 which use legacy DPoP Proof configuration or when client is explicitly configured to use legacy DPoP Proof.


public func getHeaderValue(httpMethod: String,
                           url: URL,
                           nonce: String? = nil,
                           accessToken: String? = nil) throws -> String

Calculate the DPoP request header value that can be used to authenticate a request of url by httpMethod.


Name Description
httpMethod the HTTP method of the request to authenticate
url the URL of the request to authenticate
nonce the current DPoP nonce held
accessToken the current held access token