New Release: Curity Identity Server 9.2

New Release: Curity Identity Server 9.2

We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of the Curity Identity Server. As always, this version contains many new features, fixes and enhancements.

Here are some of the highlights:

Extended, Standardized Token Exchange Support


This release introduces a completely new grant type to the token service that follows the OAuth 2.0 token exchange specification. It provides an additional way to exchange tokens in the Curity Identity Server.

OAuth 2.0 token exchange is an open-ended specification which can be utilized well with token procedures. Consequently, the grant type is highly customizable using token procedures and token procedure plugins.

Updated Multi-Tenancy Support

The multi-tenancy updates for accounts now include all JDBC data sources.

The multi-tenancy feature is near final and is expected to no longer be experimental in the next release.

Introduction of Token Handler Service

Another exciting update is the addition of a brand new profile: the “Applications” profile. The first application available is the supported, but still experimental, version of the Token Handler pattern.

This is a groundbreaking improvement for all Single Page Applications (SPAs), using OAuth and OpenID Connect to protect them in the most secure way possible with modern technology. Using the token handler will vastly improve the security of SPAs, preventing token exfiltration attacks and token leakage.

Better Customizability for User-Facing Screens in the HAAPI Android UI SDK

Last but not least is the update to the Hypermedia API Android UI SDK. This update adds better customizability for developers to update the models and screens shown in certain scenarios.

Read the release notes for more details.

The 9.3 train will leave the station on June 17, 2024.

Release Webinar


On May 13, we hosted a release webinar to explore what's new in Curity Identity Server 9.2. You can watch the recording here

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